Upcycled Surfboard Process


Step 1

Found in limbo—previously destined for the great beyond (aka the landfill)—a broken board comes in and the deconstruction process begins. There is no surfboard graveyard at Reeco; only potential.

Step 2

We strip the fiberglass, take off the stringer, and sand down the foam to the good stuff. Based on the dims, we might salvage another board (or three!) to reclaim the foam we need to craft your custom deck.



Step 3

The old fiberglass is reused for new board templates. The previous stringer is used for new fins and knives.

Step 4

Once all the foam is in order, we square it up, glue a patchwork pattern of foam to fill the outline of your desired shape along with a reclaimed wood stringer down the middle (or however you like).



Step 5

This is as close to “business as usual” as Reeco gets. Now, we’ve got a solid blank to shape and sand until all the contours are just right. Each finished surfboard is completely unique due to the variability in discarded foam that we use. While the new board is nothing like the old, the original still does influence how the next board is made through some weird kind of osmosis, nay, foamosis. Out with the old, in with the old.

Step 6

Whatever your flavor, we’ll work with you to determine the right balance of colors, patterns, cloth inlays, resin tints, wooden tail blocks, layered stringer fins, etc. before it’s glassed with Entropy’s biobased supersap epoxy.



Step 7

All excess resin is collected and stored for future upcycled projects like our Reeco Knives.

Step 8

Upcycled surfboard is finished. You get the call, stop what you’re doing, pick up the board, we slap hands in the air, you ride on.


Want to surf upcycled? Then contact us to get on something going/