Upcycled Surfboard Shapes
What was once a log/mini-mal/gun/step-up/funboard,
is now your next _________.
These shapes are all starting points. The real magic happens when we get the upcycled pieces in front of us and we collaborate with you on the finer, radder details.
Mini Simmons
We make a lot of these because, le duh, they’re small and therefore easy to upcycle from broken boards. More importantly, they’re ridiculously fun for year-round conditions in San Diego.
Paying homage to San Diego’s shaping roots with the traditional Steve Lis Fish, we offer an upcycled alternative with traditional lines, twin fins (or quads), but with a concave deck from the tail to your chest to offer nimble rail-to-rail transitions while maintaining volume where it matters most—paddle power.
Sometimes, it’s not just the motion in the ocean and size can matter. A little more float in your boat can turn sluggish days into sanity savers while also giving you a new perspective on head-high, lined-up days. If a high performance short board is trying to control speed, this shape is trying to generate it. Set your line and let it rip.
Let's get tech. Your body has two different sides, front and back, right? Wait, right?? So why wouldn’t your surfboard? Another SD creation thanks to the legendary Carl Ekstrom, the asym comes in many shapes and sizes, but the key difference is the toeside rail is longer than your heelside rail. We’ll tune your nose, tail, and rails to strengthen both sides so you can rip in a variety of conditions. Better yet, most upcycled pieces just beg to be asymmetrical so we’re bound to find your golden slipper, Shrederella.
The holy grail of upcycled boards—a hodge podge of five to a bazillion reclaimed foam pieces into one new log. Sizes vary, but picture your noserider somewhere between 9’0” and 9’6”. Bottom line: it’s summer time, come on, you need a longboard. Disclaimer: If you’re reading this in winter time, come on, summer’s right around the corner, you need a longboard.
It’s basically a cool boogie board approved by ancient Hawaiians. Hey, sometimes you just want to dick around and feel like a kid again without looking like a kook. Tap into surfing’s heritage and add one to your quiver.